Formal parents meetings will take place twice throughout the year. The first will be in October which is a good chance to ensure that teachers and parents have met if they haven’t already. The key focus of this first meeting will be to share information, discuss how your child is settling in to the new year group, discuss any concerns you may have and to look at their progress so far. The second meeting will take place in the spring term a week or so after their written report has been sent home. This meeting provides an opportunity to discuss the report and any concerns, look at progress so far and areas to work on for the rest of the year.
The half termly open evenings are a great opportunity to come in to your child’s class and let them show you their books and work and explain what they have been learning about. The class teacher will be there to answer any questions you may have about your child’s work and progress.
At the end of each term, a paper report will be sent home with your child. In the autumn and summer, this will give you a brief indication of your child’s attainment compared to Age Related Expectations, a snapshot look at their effort and attitude and their level of attendance. In the spring term, as well as informing you about the progress that your child is making, it will also celebrate their achievements, give you information about their attitude and approach to work and let you know some areas for development.
If you have any questions after viewing this or it raises any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.
Teachers are around after school on most days if you need a quick chat or would like to arrange a meeting to discuss a concern. Please call the school office and ask for the teacher to call you back to arrange a meeting time.
If you are concerned about your child’s progress the first step is to make an appointment to see their class teacher to discuss your concerns and look for possible solutions. If you still feel worried after this, please feel free to contact a member of the Senior Leadership Team via the admin email address.