At Ladysmith Federation, our aim is to provide children with the key skills to become lifelong learners. We promote a love of learning through an engaging, inclusive curriculum which is designed to be broad, balanced and relevant with enriching experiences. Our commitment to ensuring that every child can read fluently ensures that every child is able to access the whole school curriculum. While our curriculum is underpinned by learning the core skills of English and Maths, we place great value on developing the ‘whole child’ and provide an engaging programme of study in all curriculum areas. We encourage our children to embrace all that multi-cultural Britain has to offer them and develop their understanding of the global world, within which they are a citizen of the 21st Century.
At Ladysmith, we aim to nurture each child individually, providing a safe and inclusive environment. We believe all of our children possess unique talents, skills and qualities. Our curriculum aims to foster, develop and enhance the lives of our learners through positive relationships and is underpinned by our learning behaviours and our vision and ethos of Ambition, Adventure and Achievement.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure progression and coverage of the National Curriculum in all areas. Detailed curriculum mapping and progression of skills for each subject ensure that the curriculum is coherently planned throughout the key stages so that skills and knowledge are built upon sequentially across the year groups. We teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and National Curriculum, using a wide range of strategies. We give children opportunities to work on their own and to discuss ideas collaboratively in pairs and in groups. We value the importance of talk as a tool for learning and invest time in this.
In their first year in school, our Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and develop their knowledge, skills and understanding through a combination of both play-based learning and more focused teacher led sessions. Pupils learn to share, work independently and play with others. Our intention is for our curriculum to prepare our children well for their secondary education and inspire them to find out more about the world and local area around them.
Teachers have a good subject knowledge and are supported by subject leaders who are proactive in keeping up to date with the latest development in their subject area and share good practice amongst all teachers. Continuing professional development for all staff is a priority to ensure they have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver the highest standards across the curriculum.
The curriculum provides children with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills. High quality visits and visitors to the school, and a wide range of real-world experiences enhance the curriculum and provide opportunities for raising aspirations and broadening horizons.
We have high expectations of all learners and always try to equip children with a real belief that they can do anything if they are prepared to work hard. There will be no ceiling set for the performance of any pupil. We set ambitious, aspirational targets for the continual improvement of all learners and always look for suitable and appropriate opportunities to stretch and challenge every pupil. We offer an inclusive curriculum and look to overcome all barriers that prevent pupils from succeeding.
We evaluate the knowledge, skills and understanding that the pupils have gained against the expectations agreed and evaluate our teaching from this. This ensures that we are constantly striving for improvement and ensuring that our curriculum is the best it can be. We will continue to review and evaluate each subject.
When children leave the Ladysmith Federation, they will be well rounded students, ready for the next chapter of their education. Our children have aspirations for the future and know that these can be realised with hard work and determination. They will leave with fond memories and proud achievements together with the knowledge and skills needed to be lifelong learners.